Apple is delaying this big iOS 12 feature

Catcher Technology, a supplier for Apple, has not kept its factory safe for workers, according to a new report. (Reuters)

It appears that reports of iOS 11's extremely buggy behavior made an impact on Apple's plans.

According to a new report, this year's major iOS update (likely called iOS 12) will now be focused on reliability and performance, rather than new features.

An Axios report published today (Jan. 30) claims that Apple's senior vice president of Software Engineering, Craig Federighi, told employees of this plan at a meeting earlier this month. The rumored features pushed back (likely to 2019's iOS update) include a refreshed home screen, and a user interface designed for in-car usage.

This should hopefully allow iOS 12 to launch without controversy, unlike iOS 11, which featured the glitchy iOS 11.0.1 update and a text-mangling bug that made it very difficult to speak in the first person.

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Apple's also facing a lot of frustration from users after an investigation pushed the company to reveal that it throttled performance for the sake of battery life and to prevent random shutdowns.

Other features pushed back to 2019 include "improvements to core apps like mail and updates to the picture-taking, photo editing and sharing experiences," according to the report. Apple is said to be focusing on its augmented reality experience, digital health updates and improved parental controls for the next update.

Apple's also run into a variety of issues on macOS, including a flaw that allowed anyone with access to an unlocked machine to take root-level system privileges, another that allowed others to see your passwords and a third that made it easy to change someone else's App Store settings. The company has patched the first two flaws, but it's unclear if the third is fixed yet.

Clearly, Apple has some work to do to show users that it's committed to giving them a more-refined user experience.