Apple investigating iPhone X 'incoming call' bug

Catcher Technology, a supplier for Apple, has not kept its factory safe for workers, according to a new report. (Reuters)

Though most people likely spend their days texting, messaging, and posting pictures to social media, phone calls are the cornerstone of a smartphone. Accordingly, some iPhone X owners are a bit annoyed lately that a glitch is preventing them from answering incoming calls on their devices.

As the Financial Times reports, hundreds of iPhone X owners have taken to Apple's support forums to complain about some kind of bug that keeps the touchscreen on their smartphones from quickly lighting up when the device starts ringing. And by the time the screen activates—which can be up to ten seconds or so after they're notified of the call—it's too late to answer.

"I hear the phone ringing, but the graphics on the screen doesn't change to the phone mode, only after 5-6 rings. Not only I can't answer the phone, I also can't see who is calling But only after about 10 seconds," one forum poster writes.

"To solve this, I need to restart the phone, until it'll come back again. It doesn't help to close all the apps. I'll just add that it is a new phone, not from second hand or somethin , and I'm far from using all my memory."

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Apple has indicated that it's looking into these bug reports. If you're experiencing this glitch, your best bet is to submit a description of the issue to Apple Support. The company routinely collects data from customers affected by bugs to help its teams investigate and fix issues.

As a number of reports indicated last week, Apple is allegedly focusing on performance and reliability improvements in the next version of its mobile operating system, iOS 12, rather than dumping in a ton of new features. That doesn't mean that the much-anticipated convergence of iOS and Mac apps into cross-platform apps is out, and you'll likely still see improvements or additions themed around augmented reality and health—big focuses for Apple. Just get ready for Apple's next major iOS update to add a bit more polish than normal.

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