
So, should you get the new iPhone? I can’t tell you—yet. But I’m sure the next model(s) will be better—at least in some ways. If Apple stays on the evolutionary path it established with the 3G, the update it unveils on September 9 will still be an iPhone 6 model, but with an “s”—signifying subtle improvement—attached to the name.

Of course, two recent s updates have been quite exciting.The iPhone 4s was the first model offered by carriers other than AT&T. And the iPhone 5s added Apple Pay. (Okay, well, make that one out of two.) 

So, let’s play a game called Cupertino Casino, where we bet on the three features the new iPhone models will likely have. Anyone who guesses all three correctly wins . . . the right to be smug for one hour.

Here are my picks:


Mega-pixeled camera. The 8-megapixel camera on the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus is already among the best we've tested—better than rival phone cameras with twice the resolution. And we’ve already documented that the 6 Plus camera, which adds an optical image stabilizer, improves your chances of taking good photos under low-light conditions. But I say this time with the new iPhone Apple hits it out of the park with 12, no make that 16, megapixels of resolution, and 4K video recording. Take that Samsung and LG.

Immortal battery. Our readers and a throng of analysts report that few things are more important to consumers than a phone that won’t quit on you before the day is done. Historically, battery life has been a weak spot for iPhones, though the iPhone 6 improved things significantly. The battery lasted 10 hours in our tests. In fact, the 6 Plus blew almost every other phone away with an ample 17 hours on a single charge. I’ll bet this time Apple stretches battery life on the new iPhone a little further, and introduces built-in compatibility with wireless charging mats.

Proficient processor. It’s a safe bet that the A9 processor these new iPhone models purportedly sport will be at least a tad faster than the A8 on the old 6 models. But the biggest processing trend—for mobiles, anyway—is not so much speed, but rather efficiency. Apps and widgets are constantly demanding access to processing power, while the processor itself has to be on high alert for incoming messages and wireless pings from nearby devices.

And, speaking of pings, the screens on LG G and Motorola Moto phones now stir awake with a simple nudge or tap of a finger, which comes in handy if you just want to check the time or see who sent you that last message. iPhones can’t do that yet, but if the new iPhone models do, they’ll need help from very efficient processors.

Did I miss anything?

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