Woman Nearly Rips Off Husband's Testicles in Domestic Spat

A 46-year-old Ontario man got a birthday gift he couldn’t exchange for store credit when his common-law wife nearly ripped off his testicles during a domestic argument, authorities said.

The man, whose name has not been released, returned to his Pickering, Ont., home about 3 a.m. Monday after a night of drinking and celebrating, then promptly got into an argument with his apparently testy 42-year-old common-law wife about the second of their three children, Sgt. Paul Malik of the Durham Regional Police said.

Things turned even nastier when the heated discussion became a physical fight, and the incident took a painful twist when the woman grabbed the man’s testicles and yanked.

"She grabbed them so hard and squeezed them so hard that he was in excruciating pain," Malik said.

Leaving her husband bleeding and almost bereft of his testicles, the woman called police and told them she had "damaged" his testicles, Malik said.

But the organs were not completely separated from the man’s body, as had been previously reported.

"She ripped hard enough that it felt like it was off," Malik said.

It wasn’t clear whether the man was wearing pants or not, he said.

The woman was arrested and charged with aggravated assault. She was released on $2,000 bail Tuesday.

The victim was taken to a hospital, treated by a urologist and released to his home, about 30 minutes east of Toronto, Malik said.

He said the wound wasn’t severe enough to keep the victim from speaking to local reporters on the courthouse steps after his wife’s bail hearing Tuesday morning.