Woman Dies After Eating Wild Mushrooms Picked From Botanical Garden

A woman in her 40s died and a younger relative is seriously ill after eating mushrooms the younger woman picked from a botanical garden on England's Isle of Wight, the U.K.'s Daily Mail reported.

The younger woman, who is said to be in her 20s, picked handfuls of toxic death cap toadstools (Amanita phalloides) while visiting a botanical garden on Sunday.

The women ate the mushrooms after returning home on Monday. Two days later, they both fell seriously ill, according to the report.

Paramedics were called to the older woman's home in the town of Newport on the Isle of Wight early Wednesday and by 7 a.m. she was dead.

An hour later an ambulance was sent to the younger woman's home. She is being treated at a hospital where she is listed in stable condition. The incident is still under investigation, but police believe there is a link between the mushrooms and the illnesses, the Daily Mail reported.

The deadly toadstool mushroom contains poisons that destroy the liver and kidneys.

The mushrooms can be found in wooded areas throughout Britain, mainland Europe and North America. They are especially dangerous because they often resemble edible species.

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