Woman Accused of Lying to Get on Peterson Jury

The defense lawyer for Scott Peterson (search) on Tuesday accused a prospective juror of lying to get on the panel that will hear the murder case.

"I think it was clear there was the embodiment of a stealth juror there today," Mark Geragos (search) said outside court.

"It's extremely distressing to anyone connected to the criminal justice system to think that anyone would lie their way onto a jury in order to execute someone."

Peterson, 31, could face the death penalty if he is found guilty of killing his pregnant wife, Laci. He's pleaded innocent.

A stealth juror is a term commonly used by lawyers to refer to someone who lies or is intentionally vague during questioning to get picked for a panel because they have a hidden agenda.

Earlier Tuesday, Geragos questioned the woman about a recent bus trip she took to Reno, Nev., during which she allegedly bragged about how she had "passed the test" to get on Peterson's jury.

The woman acknowledged she took the trip -- but denied talking about the jury selection process.

"Did you ever say that he was guilty as hell," Geragos asked the woman, whose name was not released.

"No, sir. I never said that," she answered.

He also asked whether she had said Peterson would "get what's due him." She denied that, as well.

Geragos later revealed a fellow passenger had called his office last Friday to report what the woman allegedly said.

Judge Alfred A. Delucchi (search) ordered the unidentified tipster to appear in court May 10 to answer questions about what he heard. The potential juror will return to San Mateo County Superior Court May 11 to determine if she remains in the jury pool.

Lawyers and the judge have completed the second week of questioning potential jurors. They need 12 jurors and six alternates before opening statements can begin.

Jury questioning resumes next Monday.