Witty White House Banter

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Brian and I are heading out to Washington, D.C., for the White House Christmas Party tonight. We are both bringing our moms as our dates, which we are really looking forward to! We promise to take pictures (not promising quality!) and share them with you when we return to New York. Brian is still trying to think of what smart and witty thing he is going to say to the President when he gets his picture taken with him! I'll keep you posted.

On the show today I talked about being a national celebrity spokesperson for the March of Dimes. I did an event for them in NYC yesterday. Great organization. Find out how to donate at Marchofdimes.com.

We also had Mel Gibson talking about his new movie, "Apocalypto." It's No. 1 at the box office, although it's controversial. Some have said it's too violent.

Kareem Abdul Jabar talked about the importance for men to get their PSA levels checked. Prostate cancer is treatable if detected early!

And Tom Green has a new show on the Internet. TomGreen.com every night at 11 p.m. ET.

We'll see you when we return. Have a great day!


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