Winning the Battle but Losing the War?

And now the most engrossing two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine:

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Winning the Battle but Losing the War?

The gay movement may be gaining ground in the courts and in the media, where the New York Times says there are now more gay-oriented TV shows than ever, but there is evidence the movement may be losing ground with the public. A new Gallup poll shows that, before the Supreme Court (search) ruled last month that gay sex is constitutionally protected, 54 percent of Americans said homosexuality should be considered an acceptable alternative lifestyle, but now only 46 percent say that. In addition, before the Court decision, Americans were split down the middle on giving gay couples some of the legal rights of married couples, but now 57 percent of Americans say they would oppose such a move.

Admission Omission?

The French (search) government now admits that American anger over its opposition to the war in Iraq is eating away at its tourism industry, but the damage may be even worse than the government is willing to say. The French ministry of tourism says the number of American tourists fell by 30 percent in the first quarter this year, but the president of the French travel agents' union tells The Scotsman newspaper that the number of Americans visiting France has actually fallen by as much as 80 percent so far this year.

Serious Premonition

Saddam Hussein's (search) son Uday…killed last week by coalition forces…apparently knew months ago that his demise was imminent. The London Telegraph says that three days before the fall of Baghdad (search) on April 9, Uday told the director of Iraqi television, "I think the end is near" because "this time I think the Americans are serious, Bush is not like Clinton."

Warming…a Weapon of Mass Destruction?

A former member of the United Nations Panel on Climate Change says global warming is now a, "weapon of mass destruction" at least as dangerous as chemical, nuclear or biological weapons and certainly more deadly than international terrorism (search). John Houghton, writing in London's Guardian, says, "like terrorism, this weapon knows no boundaries. It can strike anywhere in any form, a heat wave in one place, a drought or a flood or a storm surge in another." Hougton says the United States is mostly responsible for creating this "weapon of mass destruction," and he blasts President Bush for committing, "an abdication of leadership of epic proportions."

— FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report