
I'm really going to have to change my thinking around on this health care bill. Now, all of a sudden, reputable doctors are showing up at town halls and, like, totally showing their support for Obama-care!

That was, like, so awesome.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, finally speaking with a town haller without that pesky cell phone interrupting. And I loved how Lee was so spontaneous — give Sheila a little love!

What a great, unscripted, pure moment; Lee connecting with regular, working people. That's what town halls are all about. Not this conjured-up, hired activist, GOP, fake angry yelling — what did they call it again? "Astroturf," that's it.

You know, I was so moved by the concern of this physician, I thought: Hey, I'll recommend her to my friends in Texas!

But boy, is she tough to find — very tough to find. It's probably because she is not a doctor. Nope, not listed in the Texas Medical Board. She made it all up. And Sheila gave her a big ole spontaneous hug! What are the odds?

Anyway, since Roxana is not as busy as a doctor (because she's not one), I wonder what she does in her free time?

Grassroots city.

Oh, did I mention she's not just some nutty campaigner, she's a Texas Obama delegate?

Initially she was identified in The Houston Chronicle as a physician — when all of a sudden the "Dr." part of her name disappeared:

First picture: Notice the caption "a physician"?

Second picture: Now it's just "Roxana."

The Chronicle did end up reporting the correction, but could you imagine the national uproar if a conservative lied about something like that? Remember what they did to "Joe the Plumber"? And all he did was ask a question when Barack Obama came strolling, unannounced, into his front yard!

This person actually lies — but the national media is silent. Are they just waiting for the next video of an angry conservative ripping Arlen Specter or is it just that sometimes, the truth doesn't fit the media's script?

Here's the One Thing: While the media doesn't bother looking into fake doctors, real ones are giving the president scary advice.

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So, let's talk about one of those real ones: Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel — Rahm Emanuel's brother and health adviser to the president. Robert Gibbs was actually asked about the good doctor and how much pull he has with the president:


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Do you know if the president has ever consulted on health care with Rahm's brother, Ezekiel Emanuel?


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Consulted on health care matters.

GIBBS: I think Zeke has talked to — certainly to staff and to others about health care. I've not been in every health care meeting the president has been in.


Here's why that question is important: Because Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel believes that we should calculate the value of a human life and the amount we should spend to keep that life alive.

After Sarah Palin's comments about a "death panel," the left coined a new phrase: "deathers." They are trying to make "deathers" sound like crazy conspiracy nuts who say that the government is going to come to your house and kill you.

But Palin's right: The "deather" part of this bill is already in the U.K.'s National Health System. It's called NICE — though, it's anything but nice. Basically they come up with a number of maximum treatment costs per year to keep you alive.

In a recent interview, "Dr. Zeke" said about 15 years ago he did think rationing was necessary because of cost issues, but has come to change his mind.


Then why was he talking about it (even in context of an emergency) as recently as January of this year? Maybe reporters should stop not looking into fake doctors and ask old Zeke what his epiphany was.

This is the devaluing of human life — putting a price tag on each individual. The "death panel" isn't a firing squad — Sarah Palin made the point in an inflammatory way. But when you implement a government health system — as they have found out in the U.K. — you are left with no other choice because rationing is inevitable. And they know it.

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