Where Is Usama Bin Laden?

And now the most engaging two minutes in television, the latest footnotes for the war on terrorism. 

A man identified as a Saudi financier who went to Afghanistan to fight alongside Usama bin Laden claims bin Laded fled the country 10 days ago into Pakistan, and he has since sent one of his sons back into Tora Bora to lead the remaining Al Qaeda fighters. 

Abu Jaffar was interviewed by the Christian Science Monitor in an Afghan village still sympathetic to bin Laden.  He said those remaining in the Tora Bora cave complex have had their supplies cut off, and that about   120 Al Qaeda fighters have been killed in those bombing raids on the caves.

But he said that bin Laden had gotten out of the country into Pakistan, with the help of some friendly Pashtun tribesmen.  As Bret Baier noted earlier, U.S. officials have said they have no evidence that bin Laden has actually escaped.

John Walker Lindh, the American Taliban being held by U.S. forces at Camp Rhino there in southern Afghanistan, has told U.S. interrogators that Al Qaeda plans a biological attack on the U.S. in a matter of days, and that it intends a final third attack, intended to destroy the entire country.  U.S. officials are said, however, to be highly skeptical of what Walker is saying, thinking it likely to be mere Taliban gossip, or as one official put it, "tales around the campfire."

A group called the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund got a $30,000 grant from the Sept. 11 fund.  The group said it needed the money to combat "hate violence" and "workplace discrimination."  Some wondered at the time what that had to do with helping the victims of the Sept. 11 attacks.  Now, according to C.N.S., the Cybercast News Service, the group has joined in a lawsuit against the Justice Department to force it to reveal the identities of suspects detained in the department's anti-terror crackdown.  C.N.S. says the group did not return phone calls for comment on the suit.