Where is Brooke?

This is a partial transcript from On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, May 25, 2004 that has been edited for clarity.

Watch On the Record every weeknight at 10 p.m. ET!

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST:  This is a "Fox News Alert."  A desperate search is underway at this hour in Oregon for a college student police fear has been kidnapped.  Let's go straight to the command center in Corvallis, where reporter Kevin Coari of Fox affiliate KPTV-TV has late-breaking details.

Kevin, what can you tell me about this search for this young woman?

KEVIN COARI, KPTV-TV/PORTLAND:  Well, Greta, at this point, police really don't have any leads.  They have called off the search for this evening.  However, there were many volunteers searching all day.  We spent about an hour with a crew of 50-some volunteers and literally marching through fields and scouring ravines and creeks, on their hands and knees, at times, trying to come up with any kind of evidence, any kind of idea as to what happened to Brooke.

But at this point, police have interviewed countless people, and so far, no one can tell them they have seen anything, as far as a suspect description or a suspect vehicle description goes, at this point.  The search, of course, will continue again tomorrow morning.  But at this point, the family is reaching out to the community, asking people, if they have seen anything, to call in and let police know and help them out with their search.

VAN SUSTEREN:  When was she last seen?

COARI:  Well, Brooke was last seen around 10:00 yesterday morning.  She was here in Corvallis, visiting family members at an apartment complex just off of the Oregon State campus here in Corvallis.  She was outside in the complex cleaning up, and suddenly disappeared.  Family members realized something was wrong when Brooke didn't show up for lunch.  They went out and noticed that some things were wrong.  Some pieces of clothing were left there in the parking lot of the apartment complex.  They later discovered that something was indeed wrong.  This did not fit her character.  This is very much out of character for Brooke.  And they went ahead and called police, and police have since then been searching.

VAN SUSTEREN:  You say clothing.  Was it determined to be Brooke's clothing?  And was there anything peculiar about the clothing?  I mean, was it over-clothing or was it -- I mean, was it more personal clothing?

COARI:  Well, actually police are pretty tight-lipped about exactly what the clothing was, at this point.  But it was her clothing.  And what has made this case so compelling, they tell us, is that this was so out of character for Brooke.  She is a member of the LDS Church.  She was an honor student at Brigham Young University in Utah, an honor student in high school.  She didn't use alcohol or drugs, didn't know many people in this area.  Again, she was up here visiting family members.  So they really do believe this is an abduction, at this point.

VAN SUSTEREN:  All right, Kevin, thank you very much.

Brooke's brother spoke out hours ago.


ZAK HANSEN, MISSING GIRL'S BROTHER-IN-LAW:  Well, pretty much, our worlds have been turned head over heels.  It's just unreal.  I don't think it's set in as yet as to what has happened.  Again, this is completely uncharacteristic of our sister, you know?  It just isn't something that should happen.


VAN SUSTEREN:  Brooks's family will be joining us in just a moment.  But first, joining us is Captain Robert Deutsch of the Corvallis Police Department.  Captain, any way to determine whether or not this foul play, any signals towards foul play or anything that would point in the direction that she simply walked away?

CAPT. ROBERT DEUTSCH, CORVALLIS, OR., POLICE DEPARTMENT:  Greta, thank you, first of all, for having us on.  This is great coverage, and we hope that this is going to help in finding her, finding Brooke.  We believe it's foul play, at this point.  Probably two hours into the investigation, after we discovered certain -- I'll call it evidence, but certain articles of clothing that were left where she was last seen in the parking lot, doing some maintenance work, which alarmed us, certainly.  But secondarily, within a couple of hours, we found out what a really fine young girl this is -- honor student -- that's already been said.  I can go through the litany -- member of the church, fine member of the community, hard-working here in Corvallis for (ph) her relatives.

We put two and two together, and it was very, very clear to us that the most likely scenario was foul play and abduction.  So we changed this officially from a missing person to an abduction.  And the reason for that, too, is that we want to treat this from the very beginning as a major investigation, rather than look at it as a missing person and not put the amount of resources into it that we feel we need to do to come a good conclusion.

VAN SUSTEREN:  Captain, is there anything anyone saw that we can tell the viewers tonight to be on the lookout for, any particular vehicle, any stranger?  Is there anything at all that the viewers should be looking for?

DEUTSCH:  Greta, I wish I could say yes.  Unfortunately, no.  And that's why it's such a mystery.  We have no vehicle description.  We have no suspect description.  It's as if she just vanished.  Some people around thought they might have heard something at that time, but that hasn't been confirmed.  What we're doing is combing the area, doing this canvassing, everything -- the apartment building that she lives in or that she was visiting, the university apartment buildings across the street.  We did a complete canvas yesterday, and we did a complete canvas again today, hoping to find somebody with a bit of information.  I wish we had something to go on.  I would love to tell you.

VAN SUSTEREN:  Captain, what's the neighborhood like?  Is it a high-crime, low-crime, student environment?

DEUTSCH:  I would say it's a low-crime student environment.  We are right across the street from the parking lot of Reeser (ph) Stadium, which is the football stadium of Oregon State University.  The area tends to be very, very nice.  I would call it middle to upper-middle income.  The apartment complex is a fairly new complex.  It's extremely well maintained, very well managed.  And this has not been a high-crime area whatsoever in the history of Corvallis.

VAN SUSTEREN:  All right, Captain, thank you very much for joining us this evening.  And of course, if you viewers have any information about where Brooke might be or if by any chance you've seen anything suspicious, please call 911 or the tip line that we are now putting up on your television screen, and that, of course, is 541-766-6989.  I should also note there's a Web site that has been set up, and that's to get information out about Brooke and to help bring her home safely.  And any information you can provide to police might be the key to finding Brooke and bringing her home.

So joining us now are Brooke's father, Greg Wilberger, and her two brothers-in-law, Jared Cordon and Zak Hansen.

Greg, let me go first to you.  When is the last time you talked to your daughter?

GREG WILBERGER, MISSING GIRL'S FATHER:  I talked to her about 7:30 on Monday morning, just as I left for work.

VAN SUSTEREN:  Did she tell you what her plans were for that day, Greg?

WILBERGER:  She was headed up here to Corvallis out of Eugene to come and work.

VAN SUSTEREN:  And why Corvallis?  Is that where her sister and brother-in-law -- is that the -- is that the reason?

WILBERGER:  Yes, she works for her sister and brother-in-law and helps clean apartments.  And so she was coming up to start her week's work.

VAN SUSTEREN:  Arm Zak, you are the brother-in-law to Brooke.  When was the last time you saw Brooke?  Zak?

Greg, let me go back to you while they fix the technical problem involving Zak.  Greg, what's your daughter like?

WILBERGER:  She's just a fine, fun little girl.  She's intelligent and just a wonderful little girl.  She has been to Brigham Young University this last year and was excited to be home and excited to earn some money for summer so she could head back.  And that's what she was doing.

VAN SUSTEREN:  And I take it from at least the description, she was a rather serious student, not one to go out and party?  Is that a pretty fair description of her?

WILBERGER:  Yes.  She didn't party.  She was a typical blonde, but she enjoyed life.

VAN SUSTEREN:  Greg, is there -- do you know of any trouble she might have had in her personal life?

WILBERGER:  No, we don't know of anything like that at all.

VAN SUSTEREN:  Zak, let me go to you now.  I think we've fixed our audio problem.  Zak, was she staying with you and your wife?

HANSEN:  Yes, that is correct.  She comes up during the work week and stays with us and our family and works at the apartment complex here.

VAN SUSTEREN:  All right.  When was the last time, Zak, you or your wife saw Brooke?

HANSEN:  At 10:00 o'clock on Monday morning.

VAN SUSTEREN:  And under what circumstances -- was it you or your wife who saw her at about 10:00 o'clock?

HANSEN:  It was my wife.  And the normal circumstances.

VAN SUSTEREN:  And in terms of normal -- what do you mean, normal?

HANSEN:  Well, I mean there was nothing out of -- unusual.  She -- again, she's worked here for years and was just going about her workday.

VAN SUSTEREN:  Jared, what do you -- what do you think has happened?  Do you have any theories on who might have kidnapped your sister-in-law?

JARED CORDON, MISSING GIRL'S BROTHER-IN-LAW:  No, we don't.  I think that's the puzzling part of this whole piece.  And we've got lots of folks that are out helping out.  It's been amazing to see, you know, volunteers today, yesterday, about 300 people for search and rescue.  I think law enforcement in general and family alike are just -- we really are puzzled as to why she's gone and where she is.

VAN SUSTEREN:  Jared, explain to me.  I mean, this is broad daylight.  Did -- I mean, are there just no people likely in the area -- I mean, no one saw anything, apparently?

CORDON:  Apparently not.  The police -- you know, they did -- they searched locally the apartment complex, buildings adjacent to that.  Physically -- we've done searches physically within a one or two-mile radius, elbow-to-elbow, shoulder-to-shoulder searches on hands and knees, and we have not uncovered any leads up to this point.  So we're baffled, at this point.

VAN SUSTEREN:  Zak, we've been looking at some video of the area near your apartment.  Is it a wooded area and not a particularly populated area, or lots of buildings and apartments?

HANSEN:  It's right off the campus here at Oregon State University.  The other side of the street is the campus.  It's not a heavily wooded area.  It's a well-traveled area by people.  We're just baffled that no one was able to see anything.

VAN SUSTEREN:  Zak, what kind -- I don't understand the work that your sister-in-law, Brooke, was doing.  What was she doing?  And was she likely to approach a stranger?

HANSEN:  She was working, just doing various jobs that needed to be done around the apartment complex to keep it up, looking nice.  And she was out there doing that at the time.

VAN SUSTEREN:  All right, gentlemen.  Well, we've put up a lot of information on the screen.  Hopefully, someone has seen something and will call in.  Thank you.

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