When Over-Delivering Backfires

Normally when you produce something so huge that it's unreadable, it's left unread. But what do you get when this strategy of over-delivering backfires? You get politicians who never read the health care bill, faced with people who have.

Witness Tuesday's town hall meeting with Senator Arlen Specter. The folks present didn't just read the bill, they're now quoting it — something even the titan of transparency never really wanted.

Even better, this level of discourse is coming from the non-Twitter crowd — folks more concerned with Lipitor side effects than Lady Gaga's lady parts. Suspicious of the huge rush, they were not motivated by racism, as the left wants everyone to believe. Their concerns were raised at the dinner table, as opposed to on Twitter.

I only bring up Twitter, because today I also came across a column by Meghan McCain, where she brags that while Michelle Malkin has the No. 1 book in the country, McCain has "nearly twice as many Twitter followers as she does."

Which is silly. Bragging about Twitter reveals a person confusing mass for meaning; accumulation for content.

The fact is, the phone book has everything I need to know for survival, but I don't take it to the beach to read. The phone book inspires no one; it's just a tool, much like Twitter and Meghan.

Which brings me back to those coots railing at Specter: That was a funny, but honest spectacle generated by a generation who need not tweet, for they realize that "followers" will not pay their bills. And, sadly for Meghan, they probably don't buy books either.

Greg Gutfeld hosts "Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld" weekdays at 3 a.m. ET. Send your comments to: redeye@foxnews.com