What's Your Primary Prediction?

New Hampshire (search) voters were braving wintry conditions to cast their votes.
Even as the clock struck midnight, the Democratic hopefuls scurried across the Granite State into the early morning hours in hopes of picking up the hordes of undecided voters.

"I've been working as hard as I know how," Kerry said Tuesday as voting began in New Hampshire. "I'm appealing to the voters of New Hampshire who are undecided and to my supporters: Go to the polls."

Kerry led in surveys of voters taken before the primary. At stake were only 22 national convention delegates -- and the promise of incalculable political momentum in the race to pick a Democratic challenger to President Bush. But New Hampshire has upset more than its share of front-runners over the years

New Hampshire votes: What's your primary prediction?

A sample of your responses:

My prediction is Kerry wins NH with Dean second and Edwards third. Hannity is right, Clark is kaput!
Houston, TX

Well, predictions for the primary being held here today? I bet that John Kerry will win the Dem. primary in NH followed by Wesley Clark and then Joe Lieberman...
Frank G.
Franconia, NH

None of these Democratic candidates are electable.
Cecil D.

Who's going to win in NH? George will!
Joe S.

Let's face it, whomever has the best hair will win ... so, Edwards will be on top, with Kerry in second place... (hahaha)
(Come on, Edwards has the "Kennedyish looks" don't you think?)
Hilton Head Island, SC

Unfortunately, I think that Kerry will win, Dean a distant 2nd and Edwards in 3rd place very close to Dean. My preference is a Dean and Sharpton ticket.
Keith M.
Greensboro, NC

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