What's Too Rich?

In Hollywood, they say you never can be too rich or too thin.

They don't say that in Washington.

There, you can be at least too rich.

Trouble is, defining what's too rich.

Last year Barack Obama said a million bucks made you rich and you should pay more taxes.

This year, $250,000 will suffice.

Last year if a company had a profit margin of 10 percent of sales no one said it was a big deal.

This year, if it's an energy company, it's a big deal.

Never mind chemical companies' margins are close to 13 percent, computer companies, about 14 percent, or even evil tobacco, more than 19 percent.

Because Exxon Mobil's 10 percent is such a big number, a record number, politicians have its number, and now want a piece of that number.

Barack Obama leading the charge for a windfall profits tax on big oil to fund $1,000 stimulus checks for every American family.

Now, leaving aside the fact that Exxon pays more in taxes than it earns after taxes — as The Wall Street Journal astutely points out, about $19 billion more over the last four years — you'd think Washington would be happy.

But it's not, Obama's not. They want more. And they seem to keep changing the definition of "windfall" to get more.

Now I'm told it's not just how much money you make, but how quickly you make it.

Apparently profits growing more than 10 percent a year is too quick.

I would imagine that would be distressing news to Warren Buffet, whose Berkshire Hathaway profits are growing three times that, or Abbott Laboratories, whose profits are soaring ten times that.

But no one talks about them. They're not evil.


Just like they weren't talking about mere hundred-thousandaires as fat cats last year.

Targets this year.

All I'm saying is look around you all year.

Remember, this year's villains were last year's friends.

Kind of makes you wonder about this year's friends, you know?

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