What Would 'Sully' Do?

Here's the one thing: There's a lesson we can teach our kids in three big stories in the news: President Obama's dwindling Cabinet picks, Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps and the pilot who parked the plane in the river.

In the same day, Tom Daschle withdrew his name as Obama’s pick for health and human services as did the woman who was supposed to be chief performance officer -- both for tax problems.

Phelps won a bunch of gold medals in the Olympics, yet he's already had a DUI and there's a picture of him smoking pot out of a bong.

While everyone makes mistakes, including me, is there anyone in public life trying to hold themselves to a higher standard?

Why are we in this mess? Because no one thinks their actions matter.

Whether they serve or not, the damage is already done by all these Cabinet picks. As for the ones who are in, because they were too big to fail, they are setting a poor example.

In Phelps's case, they say it doesn't matter what you do in your personal life, just keep performing. That's a lie.

Then we go to our third story: "Sully" is an actual hero, because he was able to safely land a plane on the Hudson River, saving everybody and doing something no one else has ever done before. A couple weeks after that miracle, while no one else was watching, he quietly calls the library to apologize that he can't return a book, since it's in the hold of the plane.

Nobody would have said a word if he didn't return this book and nobody would even know because he didn't hold a press conference or beat his chest about it. He's a hero. But "Sully" knows that things matter the most when no one is looking. The guy is still striving to be a better person and do the right thing. He doesn't even need to read the book, because he's already living it. The subject of the book? Professional ethics.

"Sully" is the guy who we should have as our treasury secretary, because he knows how to handle a crisis and acts ethically when no one is watching. All the other stuff he can learn on the job.

Maybe the standard of "What Would Jesus Do?" is too high, because Jesus is perfect. We're not and everyone makes mistakes.

Maybe we should all wear bracelets that say, "What Would 'Sully' Do?"

What do you think? Send your comments to: glennbeck@foxnews.com

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