What Would Bill Cosby Say?

What would Bill Cosby say to Rep. Cynthia McKinney?

Hand it to Bill Cosby for saying what needs to be said.

Cosby was speaking to a rally in New Orleans' predominantly African-American community a day or two ago, and he asked black people to account for what is going on in their own communities.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he said, "you had the highest murder rate, unto each other. You were dealing drugs to each other. You were impregnating our 13-, 12-, 11-year-old children."

Harsh words, but Cosby has been upbraiding his own community on its problems for a while now, much to his credit.

So the thought occurs: What would he say to Cynthia McKinney, the black congresswoman from Georgia who has decided to play the race card over an incident in which she was stopped by a Capitol police officer while trying to bypass security. It is a common practice among members of Congress, but they are required to give the Capitol Police a break by wearing a special pin that identifies a member of Congress. McKinney was not wearing the pin that day.

She says they should recognize her and the fact that they didn't, or are pretending they didn't, indicates they are discriminating against her because she is black.

And she is claiming the incident shows the Capitol Police tendency to engage in racial profiling.

The Democrats have tried to tamp this controversy down because McKinney has done this before, and it's embarrassing to Democrats at a time when Republicans could be the party embarrassed by their own members of Congress.

So now we have the drama of the Capitol Police trying to decide if McKinney should be arrested or cited for striking an officer, which she did, after he didn't recognize her while she was bypassing security.

Some poor U.S. attorney is under pressure right now to take the case, even though it's a groaner.

And McKinney is determined to put the white officers in the Capitol Police Department on trial for enforcing the law while white against rule breaking while black.

This sounds like a situation that requires Cosby's wisdom.

I don't speak for him but if I imagine, I might hear him say: Grow up, Cynthia. You're a member of Congress. Act like one. Obey your own damn rules. Quite trying to make everything in life a racial slight against you. Get back to work and stop whining.

I imagine that. We'll see if Bill Cosby or anybody actually tells her.

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