Welcome to the FOX Nation

Welcome to FOX Nation, a new community where all Americans are encouraged to share, discuss, and debate. Yes, FOX Nation is here for you, the American people: your views, your values, your voice.

To all of us, America is a special place. Back in 1630, John Winthrop, preparing to set foot in Massachusetts, told his fellow immigrants that the new land would be “city on a hill,” a shining example for the world. In 1961, President John F. Kennedy admiringly recalled Winthrop’s vision, and later, another president, Ronald Reagan, invoked that same grand image. A city on a hill: indeed, all our great leaders, across the centuries, have embraced such an idealistic vision of America, as a blessed land of abundance and opportunity.

But of course, it’s the people of America--ordinary folks doing the work, fighting the wars, raising the children, building the economy--who have made this country great. FOX Nation is dedicated to them, and to you, the latest generation on a rendezvous with destiny.

Today, we are confronting hard times, but we know we will overcome these difficulties the old-fashioned way--by rolling up our sleeves and getting back to basics. Here in America, we cherish the words of Abraham Lincoln, who believed in hard work and lived the America Dream, declaring, “The weights should be lifted from the shoulders of all men . . . all should have an equal chance.” And of course, FOX Nation reveres the memory of American patriots and heroes--all gave some, some gave all--who made it possible for us to enjoy our freedoms.

But how, exactly, should we assure life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? How do we perfect our union? How can we make certain that children of all races are fairly judged, not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character? FOX Nation will be a forum for Americans to speak out on important and controversial issues, and to act on their beliefs and values--while always upholding the traditional American ideals of free speech, fair play, and tolerance.

FOX Nation asks that all who come here abide by these principles, set forth in the FOX Nation Statement of Purpose.

In keeping with that spirit of participatory debate, open to all, we invite you to join with us, following the words of William Jennings Bryan, “The Great Commoner,” who once declared, “I thank God for the democracy of the heart that makes it possible for every human being to make life worth living . . . and the world better for his existence in it.”

Here at FOX Nation, the American people will be the stars. FOX News Channel, and Foxnews.com, will continue, of course, to provide fair and balanced news coverage, but FOX Nation is different. t is about you, what you care about, what you care about enough to post and comment upon. nything you want--just keep it decent and legal!

And so we hope to hear from you. Like America itself, FOX Nation can be only as good as the people within it. nd like our beloved country, FOX Nation is an ongoing story.

So please, tell us what you think. Tell us what we’re doing wrong, and maybe even tell us what we’re doing right! Please send your comments here. In doing so, you will help build FOX Nation, contributing to the vibrant spirit of openness and optimism that defines the best of America.

As the great American poet Walt Whitman once wrote:

The genius of the United States is not best or most in its executives or legislatures, nor in its ambassadors or authors, or colleges or churches or parlors, nor even in its newspapers or inventors—but always most in the common people, south, north, west, east, in all its States, through all its mighty amplitude.

Yes, that’s FOX Nation. Your Nation.