
Another lawsuit has been filed against a Las Vegas hospital, alleging emergency room personnel failed to treat a pregnant woman in labor.

The two suits claim two different women gave birth prematurely and their babies died.

The latest suit was filed Wednesday against University Medical Center in federal court by Latricia Richard.

Richard went to UMC's emergency department about 10:20 p.m. on Dec. 8, complaining of labor pains, according to the lawsuit.

The mother of three was 22 weeks pregnant and had been receiving prenatal care. She was placed in a room in the labor and delivery department then connected to an external fetal monitor.

The suit said she was never seen by a physician or advanced nursing personnel and was eventually given a sleeping pill and sent home about 3:30 a.m. A few hours later, she went to her private doctor, who determined she was in active labor, the lawsuit said.

"He sent her via ambulance to UMC where she delivered her premature baby who died," the suit said.

Last week, her lawyer Jacob Hafter filed a suit against UMC and Valley Hospital, alleging emergency personnel failed to provide treatment for Roshunda Abney.

Both suits claim violations of the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act.

UMC officials have declined comment on the lawsuits. Attorney Kenneth Webster has denied the allegations against Valley Hospital.

UMC officials have suspended six unidentified workers pending termination proceedings.