Unwelcome Surprise for Colorado's Governor

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Keep the Peace

Iranian authorities have confiscated the Nobel Peace Prize given to human rights lawyer and judge, Shirin Ebadi. She is the first Muslim woman to be awarded the prize, which was given in 2003 for her efforts to promote democracy.

Ebadi says government officials took the award from a safe-deposit box in Iran three weeks ago. The country's first female judge has criticized Tehran's crackdown on demonstrations following this summer's contested election. She says her Legion of Honor award was also seized and that the government is trying to confiscate her home.

In Norway, where the prize was awarded, Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere called the seizure shocking and said it was "the first time a Nobel Peace Prize has been confiscated by national authorities" in its 108-year history.

Top Secret

The people behind the Republican candidate purity test that we told you about earlier this week are not happy that you know about it.

Conservatives on the Republican National Committee have been circulating the proposed resolution via e-mail. It would require candidates to agree with at least eight of 10 policy positions or lose party funding.

Sponsor Jim Bopp tells POLITICO: "I think somebody is trying to sabotage our efforts by prematurely showing it to the brass to shut down the debate we are having about it."

RNC Secretary Sharon Day said whoever leaked it should be ashamed of themselves. The resolution could be up for a vote at the party's January meeting.

Paper Trail

Colorado Democratic Governor Bill Ritter and his wife woke up Thanksgiving morning to a sea of white but it wasn't snow. The governor's mansion was blanketed with toilet paper.

State officials say it is the first time the residence has been "TP'd" in its 101-year history. The first couple laughed it off, saying they have teenage children at home and that it was probably a prank.

— FOX News Channel's Lanna Britt contributed to this report.