U.S., India Block Suspect North Korean Cargo Jet Delivery to Iran

The U.S. stopped a suspect shipment traveling on a jet from North Korea to Iran in August by convincing India to deny the jet clearance to travel through Indian airspace, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

U.S. officials said the Ilyushin-62 jet, owned by North Korea's state airline, was suspected of carrying sophisticated missile parts that could be used to make WMDs, The Post reported.

North Korea was recently removed from a U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism.

The Indian government agreed to U.S. requests on Aug. 7 to deny the flight permission to cross Indian airspace to reach Iran, according to The Post.

"This was very, very important," a senior U.S. official told The Post. "It was frankly a success that we stopped North Korea from doing this."

Part of the deal to remove North Korea from the United States' terror list was that the country would halt proliferation activities, but questions have persisted over whether it has kept up its end of the bargain.

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