U.K. Mother Reunited With Abducted Son on Facebook

A mother whose son was abducted 27 years ago has been reunited with him after tracking him down on Facebook.

Avril Grube feared she would never see Gavin Paros again when his father snatched him when he was just three-years-old and fled Britain.

But amazingly the pair have had been reunited after Avril's sister logged on to the social networking site and found him 1,000 miles away in Hungary.

After swapping messages, the 62-year-old mum was overjoyed when he announced he would immediately come to England to see her.

They have now held an emotional reunion and Gavin, 30, has already pledged to move his own family here to live permanently.

Avril, who is now anxiously waiting to meet Gavin's three children and her grandchildren for the first time, said: "It is wonderful to be able to see my son after almost 30 years.

"It is the happiest day of my life, there are almost no words possible to describe it."