Tuesday: Highlights from Boston

At any national political convention, Tuesday is usually the quietest day — no opening hoopla, no presidential or vice presidential candidate. The Democrats' fiesta in Boston was no different, though it did have it's high and low moments.

Here's a tour through Day Two of the Democratic National Convention (click on the highlighted words to read the full story).

FOX's Bill O'Reilly scored a major get when filmmaker Michael Moore willingly stopped by the FOX News sky box to debate his movie, Fahrenheit 9/11, and his criticism of the Bush administration. Moore agreed to sit with O'Reilly if the interview aired completely with no editing. Check out the transcript and click on the video inside the story to watch the match.

Also talking with O'Reilly on Tuesday: actor Ben Affleck, who earlier Tuesday had done his own interview with Kerry's Daughters; and Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown.

The FOXNews.com team fanned out, looking for the best stories you won't see from the convention floor:

Progressive Power: Rep. Dennis Kucinich didn't so well in the Democratic primaries but he did tap into a strong progressive (ok, liberal) sentiment within the party. The progressives gathered to say they hoped Kerry would serve their interests.

Muslim Democrats: Four years ago, Muslim Americans at the political conventions didn't get much attention. The world is a very different place now.

Gender Gap: "I don't think the feminist movement is over, particularly while [President] Bush is in office,” one woman said. Abortion rights — the fight for or against them — is key.

Billionaires for Bush: The Democratic convention brings out all types of individuals and groups. Some protest, some just show up and act a little funky.

John Edwards arrived in Boston on Tuesday, a day ahead of his big night before the crowd. Kerry enjoyed his last day before arriving Boston campaigning in Norfolk, Va., and Philadelphia. Rest assured, his arrival will be tightly choreographed. One bit of news from Kerry: he wants the Sept. 11 commission to keep working another 18 months.

But since neither man spoke in Boston, let's move on to those who did. Here's a recap of the night's other main speakers:

Teresa Heinz Kerry: It hasn't been standard operating procedure at past conventions for the nominee's wife to take the pivotal role of giving the closing speech. That changed on Tuesday as Heinz Kerry took to the podium to speak more about her vision for the country rather than her husband's. Heinz Kerry transcript.

Barack Obama: This Democratic Senate hopeful from Illinois put himself clearly on the "to watch" list of future party stars with his convention keynote address. Obama transcript.

Ron Reagan Jr.: Democrats scored a symbolic win by booking Ron Reagan Jr. — the son of the Republicans' favorite past president, who died earlier this summer. The younger Reagan talked about stem-cell research, a topic not embraced by the GOP. Reagan transcript.

Howard Dean: The one-time rival to Kerry didn't make a yell like the one he did during the Democratic primary (the one that will be forever thought of as ending his presidential quest). But he did vow to help the Kerry-Edwards ticket. Dean transcript.

Ted Kennedy: At the Democrats' convention 24 years ago, the Massachusetts senator tried hard to get his party to dump its sitting incumbent president and pick him instead. Not so this time. Kennedy had nothing but praise for his Senate colleague and scorn for the man now in the White House. Kennedy transcript.

So how did Republicans spend the convention's second day? Partly by saying Democrats are trying to "reinvent" Kerry. Partly by poking fun at Kerry's choice of attire during a campaign stop Monday. And partly by saying "we knew Bill Clinton and John Kerry is no Bill Clinton." They mean that in a bad way.

For more from Tuesday, click through the box above for stories, videos and a photo essay.