Truth Be Told

Should it matter what people say off-mike, even when they're on-mike? In light of John Kerry's (search) off color, supposedly off-mike comments on "crooked" and "lying" Republicans, I say yes.

I think comments made behind people's backs matter. They say about as much about the person making them than the comments made in the first place. And I mean that in a good way.

Look, I like people who are blunt -- sometimes painfully blunt.

That time when then-presidential candidate Bush lashed out at a New York Times reporter, supposedly off-mike, for being a major league… kinda' rhymes with “peep-hole” -- I loved it. It was as stark as the time his dad just confessed up and said, I hate broccoli. I really hate broccoli!

Or the time Lyndon Johnson was caught on tape referring to then-Attorney General Bobby Kennedy as a "sneaky"... I'll leave the rest out.

I just don't know why politicians just don't come out of their politically correct closets and let their critics have it between the eyes.

Let's face it, you know that's how they feel.

So, let's break from script and speak from the heart -- warts and all.

Some people say this kind of stuff is unseemly. I say what's unseemly is being a phony, disingenuous, sniveling worm and not telling us what you really think. Like the friend or family member who hugs you, then zooms you.

Look, I'd much rather have a guy rip me a new one to my face, than stand behind un-named sources or God knows what else, behind my back.

It's true in life. It's true in politics. It's true in work.

Better to have a boss who tells me, "Neil, you stink," than to have a boss who tells others, "that Neil? He stinks."

Harry Truman didn't suffer fools gladly and everyone knew it.

John Kerry doesn't suffer slights easily and few know it.

Politicians tell us we can't handle the truth. No, you can't handle telling us the truth!

Watch Neil Cavuto's Common Sense weekdays at 4 p.m. ET on Your World with Cavuto.