Transcript: Holloway Chaperone Speaks Out

This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," February 23, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Joran van der Sloot says he first found out Natalee Holloway was missing on the morning of May 30, just hours after he says he left her alone on the beach. Natalee's friends last saw her leaving Carlos and Charlie's bar with Joran and two of his friends the night before.

Joining us live from Birmingham is Bob Plummer, a teacher and chaperone on Natalee's trip to Aruba. Welcome, Bob.


VAN SUSTEREN: Bob, first of all, how many students went on this trip?

PLUMMER: About 130.

VAN SUSTEREN: Out of the 130, what percentage, loosely, were actually adults, were 18 years old?

PLUMMER: I think there were only maybe five or six that were not.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. And as Natalee was 18 at that time, she was an adult?

PLUMMER: Yes, ma'am.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. How many chaperones went on the trip?

PLUMMER: There were seven.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Go back to May 29, that Sunday. Did you see Natalee that day?

PLUMMER: Yes. We met with the students every day to make sure that everything was fine, that, you know, nothing was happening, that everything was going OK with them. So yes, we met with them earlier that day and then saw them again that afternoon or that evening at dinner in the casino.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So when was the last time you remember seeing Natalee?

PLUMMER: I would have to say that it was probably that night in the casino.

VAN SUSTEREN: And was she drinking at the time?

PLUMMER: I couldn't specifically say if she was or not. The whole time we were down there, I never recall really seeing her drink a whole lot, period.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. But as a practical matter, was there any sort of agreement or impediment to her drinking any way? She was 18-year-old adult. I mean, were there any specific instructions or anything like that?

PLUMMER: No, that was entirely up to the discretion of the students.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. When you last saw her about 9 o'clock, where did you go, back to your room?

PLUMMER: No, we actually stayed down with a bunch of the students there around the casino and the pool area probably until about 11:30 or 12:30, somewhere in that neighborhood.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So when was the next time you heard Natalee's name or heard that she might be missing or something?

PLUMMER: The next morning, when we were getting the first set of buses off to the airport and they had checked off the first bus that was going to take the first set of students back to the airport, and came out of the bus and we're getting ready to get the second group together, of which Natalee was a part, and at that point, that some of the students came up and said, We've not seen Natalee since last night.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Did any of the students say where they had last seen her?

PLUMMER: Yes. They right away said, you know, they saw her actually leaving with these guys in a car, a silver car.

VAN SUSTEREN: What did you do then?

PLUMMER: We immediately got the students together, her roommates, and just, you know, asked them some general questions about what time it was, went back to the room, and just getting her stuff together, and actually got her stuff together and brought it to the front of the resort because we were hoping maybe she would just show up late, and that way, we'd already have her stuff together so we'd be ready to go without missing her flight.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Did you ever meet Joran van der Sloot or see him?

PLUMMER: Not that I can recall. You know, I probably did see him there around the resort or the casino, but you know, was not looking for him at that time, had no reason to be looking for him, so I can't recall if I did, no.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did Natalee give you any trouble, or any friends give you any trouble up until that last day when you saw her? Was she a troublemaker, in other words?


VAN SUSTEREN: What's she like?

PLUMMER: No. None whatsoever! None whatsoever. That's the primary reason for me coming and speaking out now is to dispel a lot of the misinformation and the lies and rumors and innuendo about how the students were acting on this trip. You know, a lot of people said they were out of control, they were drinking too much, they were just drunk all the time, and that could not have been further from the truth. As I've told other people, there were a lot of families at this resort with their kids. And I can't tell you how many adults came up to us, the chaperones down there, and told us how well behaved, how polite these students were.

VAN SUSTEREN: Were you the one who notified Beth that her daughter was missing, or at least hadn't shown up to the bus?

PLUMMER: No. We actually called back to Birmingham and talked to one of the ladies that had arranged the trip, and she called Beth.

VAN SUSTEREN: And then at that point, I assume you boarded the plane and you came home, and Beth's mother arrived sometime later, is that right?

PLUMMER: Yes, ma'am.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Bob. Thank you.

PLUMMER: Yes, ma'am. Thank you.

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