Topics and Guests, March 1

Today on "Special Report":

From cross-country campaigning to voters last minute decisions -- We'll have an in-depth Super Tuesday (search) preview. Is Sen. Kerry (search) in a win-win-win-win ... situation?

Carl Cameron reports: The Democratic presidential candidates get in some last-minute campaigning ahead of the delegate-heavy 'Super Tuesday' contests.

Major Garrett reports: John Edwards (search) needs to make a good showing in the March 2 primaries ... if he fails to do so will that be the end of the trail?

Wendell Goler reports: The latest developments from Haiti (search).

GUEST PREVIEW: What's next for Haiti -- and what's in it for America? We'll ask former Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs Bernard Aronson.

William La Jeunesse reports: Has a nation been born in Iraq? We'll have the details.

Brian Wilson reports: Is Congress facing a road-block? Get a full report.

Details on those stories and more on Special Report with Brit Hume at 6 p.m. ET.

— Guests and topics are subject to change