Topics and Guests, January 15

Tonight on Special Report with Brit Hume:

Major Garrett reports: President Bush says his administration would join efforts to overturn a University of Michigan admissions system that gives special preferences to Black, Hispanic and Native American applicants at the expense of White, Asian and Arab applicants.

Guest preview: Retired Gen. Thomas McInerney gives us the inside scoop on the recent troop deployments.


• North Korea's Foreign Ministry says U.S. offers to reopen communication lines between the two countries were nothing more than "deceptive drama."

• U.N. weapons teams drop in on Saddam Hussein, paying a visit to a presidential palace in the heart of Baghdad and spending four hours searching the premises.

• A facility that handles government mail undergoes precautionary testing for anthrax after a test on mail at the Federal Reserve indicated the potential presence of the bacteria.

Details on these stories and more on Special Report with Brit Hume.
— Guests and topics are subject to change