Today on Special Report ...
Molly Henneberg reports: British Airways (search) Flight 223 from Heathrow Airport in London to Washington was canceled for the second time in three days as part of the effort to thwart potential terrorist activity.
• For answers about aviation security we turn to Rob Sprac , vice president of the Airline Pilots Security Alliance and a pilot with American Airlines.
• And David Yespen, political editor of the Des Moines Register , joins us to forecast the upcoming Iowa caucus.
Jim Angle reports: The White House offers a humanitarian delegation to Iran to help with the recovery after last week's disastrous earthquake that tore through the country. Iran says -- no thanks. We'll have the story.
David Piper reports: The New Year brings more violence in Iraq -- David Piper will update us LIVE from Baghdad.
Major Garrett reports: Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary are right around the corner. We'll tell you what you need to know.
Jonathan Serrie reports: Should federal judges stay out of politics? Get the details.
Details on those stories and more on Special Report with Brit Hume at 6 p.m. ET.
— Guests and topics are subject to change