
Join Shepard Smith every Monday through Friday at 3 p.m. ET for FOX News Channel's newest daytime show, Studio B.

We'll bring you the biggest stories of the day, including interviews with today's top newsmakers. Become part of the mix and get your voice heard... drop us an email at studiob@foxnews.com.

Jan. 16:

U.N. weapons inspectors say they've found 11 empty chemical warheads in Iraq
• Hussein Hassouna, ambassador of the Arab League
• Retired Army Col. David Hunt
• Tim Trevan, former U.N. weapons inspector
• Mansoor Ijaz, FNC foreign affairs analyst

Actor Robert Blake, awaiting trial on charges he killed his wife, rants about his miserable time in jail
• Robert Dunn, defense attorney

These stories ... and more on Studio B With Shepard Smith at 3 p.m. ET.

Note: Topics subject to change