Topics and Guests for May 11

As hearings into the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal continue on Capitol Hill, a disturbing videotape depicting the beheading of an American contractor surfaces. But will the death of Nick Berg get as much coverage in the Arab media? We’ll ask Tim Graham of the Media Research Center.

Plus, is Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in hot water because of the unique nature of the War of Terror? We’ll get insight from Thomas Bartlett, professor at the Naval War College and Defense Department analyst.

Is news of the U.S. economic recovery reaching the American public? Commerce Secretary Don Evans weighs in.

Plus, if the economy is doing so well, why are the president’s poll numbers doing so badly? We’ll take the market’s temperature with Liz Miller, portfolio manager at Trevor Stewart Burton and Jacobsen; Tony Dwyer, chief equity strategist at FTN Midwest Research, and Greg Werlinich, president of Werlinich Asset Management.

Sen. John Kerry says his often outspoken wife is off limits to political criticism. Will others listen? We’ll get insight from Geraldine Ferraro, Fox News political analyst and former vice-presidential nominee.

Plus, Sony has developed its first portable handheld device that could put its competitors to shame. What is it and how can you get it? We’ll ask Kaz Hirai, president and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America.

And, outsourcing fears are fading as one foreign country sends hundreds of jobs to the United States. What are the jobs? And how can you cash in? Find out on tonight's edition of "Your World with Cavuto."

About the Show

More than just facts and figures, "Your World with Cavuto" gets to the heart of the matter with in-depth reporting from Dagen McDowell, FOX Business correspondent, and analysis from our FOX Business News All-Stars:

Terry Keenan, host of Cashin' In
Brenda Buttner, host of Bulls & Bears
David Asman, host of Forbes on Fox