Topics and Guests for July 29

Veteran newscaster John Gibson gets to the core of the most salient issues facing America today as host of FNC's hard-hitting primetime show The Big Story with John Gibson, airing Monday through Friday at 5 p.m. ET, with expert legal analysis from Judge Andrew Napolitano and in-depth reports from correspondent Heather Nauert.

Topics and Guests:

John Kerry (search) already has his Party’s nomination locked up, but there’s still a lot riding on Thursday night’s convention address. Just how important is Thursday night's speech to Kerry's campaign? We’ll ask Rick Lazio, former Republican congressman from New York, and Mack McLarty, President Clinton's chief of staff and president of Kissinger McLarty Associates.

Throughout the convention Democrats have used a lot of military symbolism — Kerry's band of brothers has been a big part of his campaign. Will this help Democrats look strong on national defense?

Going second gives the Republicans one advantage — they can react and respond to the Democrats' points at their own convention. What lessons can the Bush-Cheney team take from the Democratic National Convention? We’ll ask Nicolle Devenish, Bush-Cheney communications director.

And, with the Democratic Convention winding down, security experts are looking ahead to their next big challenge: the Republican National Convention in New York City. FOX News’ Douglas Kennedy examines the preparations for the massive security net.

Plus, a court clerk in Eagle, Colorado, makes another goof in the Kobe Bryant (search) case: releasing sealed information on the court's Web site, including the name of Kobe's accuser. FOX News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano joins us with more on today's bombshell disclosure.

All of that... and more on The Big Story With John Gibson at 5 p.m. ET.

Note: All guests and topics subject to change