Topics and Guests for Friday, Jan. 2

Join Shepard Smith every Monday through Friday at 3 p.m. ET for FOX News Channel's newest daytime show, Studio B.

We'll bring you the biggest stories of the day, including interviews with today's top newsmakers. Become part of the mix and get your voice heard... drop us an email at

Stories for Friday, 
Jan. 2:

What's the danger of terrorism in the skies?
Billie Vincent, former FAA security chief
Harold Copus, former FBI agent

Howard Dean and Gen. Wesley Clark take shots at President Bush
Chris Wallace, host of FOX News Sunday

Looking back at the Catholic Church of 2003 and looking ahead to 2004
Ray Flynn, former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican

Don't miss Studio B With Shepard Smith weekdays at 3 p.m. ET!

Topics and guests subject to change.