Topics and Guests for December 20

Watch "Your World" weekdays at 4 p.m. ET
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As temperatures drop and winter weather rolls in, will the big chill sweeping the country put a freeze on holiday sales? We’ll ask Bill Martin, co-founder of ShopperTrak.

And as Pfizer stands by it arthritis drug Celebrex (search), despite findings of the drug's link to increased risk of heart disease, why then is Pfizer pulling the ads for the drug? We’ll investigate.

Plus, after increasing dangers in drugs like Vioxx and Celebrex, is the FDA doing enough to protect us? Dr. John Abramson, author of “Overdosed America,” doesn’t think so, but Peter Pitts, the former deputy commissioner of external affairs of the FDA disagrees.

And you might want to think twice before buying a gift card this holiday season. We’ll tell you why they’re not so great as Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal shares his fight for consumers after filing suit against a gift card seller with too much fine print.

Is Social Security in a crisis or financially sound? We’ll debate with Mark Weisbrot, author of "Social Security: The Phony Crisis" and Alison Fraser, the director of economic policy studies for the Heritage Foundation.

And time is running out, but there’s no need to fear if you haven’t yet started your Christmas shopping, e-commerce expert Heidi Messer will tell us the best sites for online shopping to still get your gifts in time.

About the Show

"Your World with Neil Cavuto" offers news and insight on Wall Street and other market activities, while wrapping up the business news of the day. Named "the best interviewer in broadcast business news" by The Journalist and Financial Reporter, Neil Cavuto identifies why and how events happen.

"We bring the most influential players in the business world to our viewers, offering insights on the day's news and the market's broader trends," said Cavuto. "This is business news that matters — information we need to know to make the right choices."

More than just facts and figures, "Your World with Cavuto" gets to the heart of the matter with in-depth reporting from Dagen McDowell, FOX Business correspondent, and analysis from our FOX Business News All-Stars:

Terry Keenan, host of Cashin' In
Brenda Buttner, host of Bulls & Bears
David Asman, host of Forbes on Fox
Stuart Varney, FOX Business News contributor