Topics and Guests, August 14

Tonight on Special Report with Brit Hume:

Steve Centanni reports: President Bush visits the Iowa State fair — but he's not alone. House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt and Sen. Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., are also in town in what could be a preview of the 2004 presidential showdown.

And FOX News contributor Michael Barone will highlight the main goals of the trip.

Guest preview: Dan Kasper, an airline industry analyst, joins us to share some insight on the US Air bankruptcy and the other airlines struggling post Sept. 11.

Panel preview: Has President Bush changed his tone on the economy?


•  Major Garrett reports: The top brass of hundreds of America's biggest companies flood the Securities and Exchange Commission with pledges that their latest financial statements were honest and complete, under a commission order meant to help restore damaged investor confidence.

•  Bret Baier reports: They make up a third of President Bush's "Axis of Evil," and Iran's leader accuses the president of using the same language as Adolf Hitler to bully the world. This comes in the wake of new concerns over Iran's quest for weapons of mass destruction.

•  Steve Harrigan reports: Shouting that the "uprising will be victorious," Marwan Barghouti, one of the most visible Palestinian leaders of the current violent conflict with Israel, is indicted on charges he orchestrated more than three dozen terror attacks that killed scores of Israelis.

Details on this story and more on Special Report with Brit Hume.

— Guests and topics are subject to change