Topics and Guests, April 30

Today on "Special Report":

Iraqi security forces take over positions from withdrawing U.S. Marines in Fallujah (search) -- Is the monthlong siege finally coming to an end?

GUEST PREVIEW: Are we winning the War on Terror? We'll get answers from Cofer Black, State Department coordinator for counter terrorism with the rank of ambassador at large.

Carl Cameron reports: John Kerry (search) changes his tune on Iraq, no longer sharing President Bush's conviction that the war was right. We'll report.

Major Garrett reports: Ralph Nader (search) -- What does the independent presidential candidate think about Dems not wanting him in the race?

Wendell Goler reports: One year has passed since end of major combat in Iraq -- What progress has been made in the liberated country? We'll have a full report.

Catherine Herridge reports: Should seniors trying to save money on prescriptions bypass government and go across the border? Don't miss this!

Details on those stories and more on Special Report with Brit Hume at 6 p.m. ET.

— Guests and topics are subject to change