The Work of One Kansas City Man That Has Inspired Me

I sure hope you got the chance to meet Larry Stewart on our show. He is the “Secret Santa” from Kansas City who has helped so many people over the years. He was penniless and homeless in the 1970’s when a diner owner gave him $20. He vowed that he would anonymously try to do the same for someone else. He has.

Now, $1.3 million dollars later, he has revealed his identity because he is battling cancer and a tabloid paper threatened to print his name. Larry set up a Web site to encourage others to join him in acts of kindness: He has inspired me.

We also told you about the children’s airplane seats that were approved by the FAA. Info is at:

There is also an infant harness. I have that information on my website:

Tomorrow, Dr. Manny will tell us about how NOT to blow our diet over the holidays, or how to keep from putting on weight.

See you tomorrow,


E.D. Hill anchors 'FOX News Live' weekdays from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. ET. Send your comments to