The Gitmo Diet: Day 4

Shana's usual grocery bill for the week is $30. The grocery bill for eating like a detainee: $58 a week.

Sharon has spent even more. $140 so far for the two-week diet, and some items still need to be purchased.

The difference in the price of the average meal plan to the Gitmo diet could be based on the cost of foods we don't usually buy. Shana generally skips hamburgers or veggie burgers. Sharon shorts herself on fruits. We both go light on canned items, though they are probably the cheapest on the menu.

For variety, the prisoners are given different kinds of vegetables and beans every day, most of them are likely frozen or canned, but several are served raw.

Shana said she's also eating larger portions than usually. As we've said before, vending machine products are a frequent additions to our old meal plans, and they generally run on the cheap.

• Click here to hear Shana and Sharon discuss the challenge of not cheating on the Gitmo Diet.

The Pentagon is spending an estimated $12.68 per prisoner each day to feed the detainees at Gitmo. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Richard Myers told FOX News Sunday that the contracts for the food to ensure detainees eat Muslim-approved diets is $2.5 million annually. That, of course, includes more than just the cost of food, but it does give you an idea how expensive it is to eat a health-and conscience-conscious meal.

Every once in a while it's surprising how tasty a dish is. Thursday's lunch was mustard-dill baked fish and it was really dee-lish. Shana's recipe follows: Pre-heat your oven to 450 degrees. Take a piece of catfish. Put mustard and dried dill on top of the fish. Place fish on a piece of aluminum foil. Put a piece of aluminum foil on top of the fish. Put the packet in the oven and bake for 10 minutes. I made it this morning while I was showering and it will definitely be a recipe I put in my lunchtime repetoire. It didn't even smell fishy, so I can bring it to work. Thanks, Navy chefs!

Shana Pearlman is a producer for FOX News Radio's Tony Snow Show and can be reached at Sharon Kehnemui Liss is the politics editor for and can be reached at