The Buzz: Over a Pork Barrel?

If you didn’t catch Wednesday’s edition of Your World with Neil Cavuto, here’s what you missed:

Rep. John Shimkus, R-Ill., is pushing for $10 million in federal funds to assist in the construction of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, a center for the study of the life and times of the former president and the Civil War.

But does Lincoln need another memorial — one built at taxpayers’ expense? And is the library a suitable honor for Lincoln, or an example of congressional pork barrel spending?

Rep. Shimkus appeared on Your World to defend the project. He described the congressional appropriations process as one in which "every member should be aggressive in trying to provide for those projects they can justify and fight for, for their district."

"There will be winners and losers," Shimkus noted.

Here’s what you had to say about the issue:

Better to help fund a Lincoln library than to wholly fund a bicycle path or whatever other local pork is in the works... If you have to blast any appropriation, please tackle one that is purely local.
Hurdle Mills, NC

My blood boils every time I hear about these Bozos wanting some statue, library, road that goes to "nowhere" and all other unnecessary  bobbles...Why do they have to take our money and spend it so foolishly?
Beverly R.
Aiken, SC

"Enough is enough" Lincoln monuments...
Charles S.
Ruidoso, NM

What should be done is for the Congress to decide what must be done to meet national needs, then set a budget sufficient to fund necessary projects, and no more.
Paul M.

I propose a constitutional amendment to limit federal government spending to 20 percent of the total adjusted gross income of all individual taxpayers (except in time of war declared by Congress). Until then, however, I urge the President to wield his veto pen aggressively and often to keep federal spending in check.
Ken B.
Spokane, WA

The spending is a result of what all lawyers, and sales people for that matter, learn "ask for more than you think you will get".
Hayes F.
Atlanta, GA

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And watch Your World with Neil Cavuto weekdays at 4 p.m. ET.