The Buzz: A Protester's Protest

If you didn’t catch Monday’s edition of Your World with Neil Cavuto, here’s what you missed:

From the Seattle riots in December of 1999, to July’s deadly unrest in Genoa, Italy, during the world economic leaders' summit, the accompanying protests have turned increasingly violent.

Now, the powers that be are taking steps to prevent the unrest in the first place.

On Monday the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund announced that their next meeting, scheduled for late September in Washington D.C., will be held on a weekend.

In a joint statement by the global lending agencies, the World Bank and IMF expressed an interest in, "ensuring the conduct of all essential business with the least possible disruption to the people who live and work in Washington, D.C."

But protestors, such as Brian Becker, co-director of the International Action Center, are crying foul.

"Despite the World Bank’s attempt to go consolidate the meetings into the two days, they cannot hide from the fact that there is a growing worldwide movement that disagrees with policies making the rich richer and poor poorer," said Becker.

Further, Becker attacked the Washington Police Department for trying to create "a war zone so the thousands of people who agree with us and disagree with the IMF and World Bank and the policies of the George Bush administration will feel intimidated for coming."

Here’s what you had to say about the issue:

What is it with the freaky-left that causes them to use riots and vandalism as a viable political tool?
Ron H.
Oceanside, CA

I think that in the US we have a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to assemble and petition our government.  To deny citizens that right is unconstitutional.  I, for one, loathe the globalization.  I am becoming poorer and poorer and poorer.  The only reason to have global government is an effort to remove all power from the people and vest that power in a rich few.  How obscene.
Patty S.
Porterville, CA

I think Brian has to be the dumbest guest you have ever had on your show.  You didn't even have to say anything to make him sound like an idiot, he did it all by himself.
Beaverton, OR

Where do these people get money to travel all over the world to protest against things?  I haven't done bad in the money department most of my life, but could never even afford a European Vacation more than once every five years.  Who is backing these thugs?
Bob L.
Tucson, AZ

Brian, to quote Judge Judy: "Don't pee on my leg and tell me its raining"!
James & Helen S.
Green Bay, WI

The Marxists are fighting a last ditch effort to prevent the consolidation of freedom and democracy. Shame on anyone who buys into that line of standard class warfare propaganda.
Lonnie A.
Nampa, ID

[Becker] made a comment about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, if these poor would go to work instead of rioting at these meetings they may improve their lifestyle.  But it seems that more and more people would rather blame their problems on someone else, than do something to help themselves.  Keep up the good work!
David G M.
Minerva , OH

It cracks me up how these "humanitarians" are dressed to the hilt in their commando wear, more than the actual security forces.  Who should I fear again???
Ali P.
Dayton, OH

How are people to protest the IMF?  Hummm  Who will listen?  This is the problem with "world government".  Appointed elites make decisions .. no one is elected.  Some are even appointed by Dictators and Despots, but anti-protestation has turned into a paramilitary operation.
Omaha, NE

Neil, you don't seem to have any idea what those One World Gov't meetings really are!  Those freedom fighters are fighting for all our lives and freedoms!  And the freedom fighters are NOT violent as it's portrayed to be.
Lydiah M.

Thank you for putting "bubble boy" in his place.  Why is it Greenpeace etc..always blame someone else.  By the way, I wish I had the time to travel Seattle or Europe. I am surprised he found time to shave (did the gel he used harm the ozone?)
Bob B.
Wilmington, DE

I recognized in your guest, Becker, the typical lefty, victim, outcast whine.  With two words out of his mouth I saw him for what he is.  Someone who had a bad relationship with one or both parents or who couldn't get a date for the prom.
John C.
Basking Ridge, NJ

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