
Here's the one thing: The battle for the soul of America is still raging.

Let's start with an idea that we should all know instinctively: That there's a huge difference between wants and needs, and between doing what is right and what is easy.

But before we accept that, we must first be honest with ourselves and answer the tough question: Do we have the courage to go with our gut and stick to our principles and values?

According to the latest FOX News Opinion Dynamics Poll, I hate to say that I'm not so sure anymore:

Question: Preference for government: 55 percent want lower taxes and smaller government.

Question: What kind of government does Obama believe in? Seventy-seven percent say bigger government, more services.

And yet, the president's job approval rating is at 63 percent.

Why is that? I think it's because he makes us feel good. He doesn't bumble in his words and he makes us feel good.

But how much hope in change do we have?

Question: Is it possible the country could go bankrupt? Sixty-one percent say yes!

Question: Should we raise taxes in an economic downturn? Sixty-nine percent think that's a bad idea.

Question: Should we ask the wealthy to pay more? Fifty-five percent say yes.

Question: You're rich if your annual income is under $75,000: 9 percent say yes.

How is that possible? Why? Because it's not me. We don't see the rich as us.

Remember: 69 percent think raising taxes now is bad, but 55 percent agree with raising taxes on the wealthy.

Are you seeing the schizophrenia?

But here’s where it all falls apart:

Question: Do you agree with the old adage, "You cannot make the poor rich by making the rich poor?" Seventy-two percent agree.

Question: Who do you trust more: You or Congress? Only 60 percent trust ourselves more than Congress.

Question: Where does the federal government get money? Twenty-four percent think it has its own — like Uncle Sam is picking berries in the summer?

OK, so what can we learn from all these numbers?

I think the polls prove there are several kinds of people: Apparently, about a good number of the people are just dumb as a box of rocks and we should stop listening to them.

Then, there's obviously the majority of people who know what's right, but are still looking for the easy way to get there.

And finally, there are the people who know right from wrong and act accordingly. I think that number is weak, because it's showing an internal conflict. You have to ask yourself: Do you know who you are and what you believe in? What are your values?

That's how we will truly win the battle for the soul of America, just like they won it back in the 1700s.

Right before the Revolution started, some of the Founding Fathers were starting to second guess the Declaration of Independence. Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson went out to take the pulse of the people. Franklin talked to regular Joes and Jefferson spoke to the rich and the powerful, but they both got the same message back: People not only believed in the common sense concept of freedom, they were also willing to risk everything to get it.

That's when they decided to craft this now famous phrase: "We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor."

Once we start to live by those words again, we will win this new battle for our country's soul.

What do you think? Send your comments to: glennbeck@foxnews.com

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on FOX News Channel