Technology Takes the Heat

And now the most riveting two minutes in television, the latest from the wartime grapevine:

Imminent Threat?

A man claiming to be Abu Salma Al-Hijazi (search), one of Al Qaeda's highest-ranked commanders, says his terrorist network has planned an imminent and "very courageous" attack against the U.S. that he says will kill at least 100,000 Americans.

Al-Hijazi, in an interview with an Islamic Web site, says the attack will -- "amaze the world and turn Al Qaeda into [an organization that] horrifies the world until the law of Allah is implemented."

In addition, Al-Hijazi says Sunday's suicide bombing in Saudi Arabia did not kill mostly Arabs -- as has been reported through, "media deceit" -- but in fact killed 40 Americans and 27 Lebanese Christians.

Baquet Not Backing Off

Managing editor Dean Baquet of the Los Angeles Times says the paper's expose of Arnold Schwarzenegger's history of groping, published just before the California recall election last month cost the paper 10,000 subscriptions. But Baquet says he has no regrets, insisting a newspaper -- "should kick you around sometimes. It should make you mad. It should upset the community. I'd prefer you respect us than love us."

Baquet added that when CIA director George Tenet (search) asked him to kill a story exposing an overseas intelligence operation, Baquet asked if the story would cost lives. Tenet would not say that, instead appealing to Baquet's patriotism. The story ran.

Technology Takes the Heat

The latest from the world of American education is that students in the library at Concord High School in New Hampshire can log on to, and even But, is blocked.

One student says it's -- "another example of the liberal bias that deluges my school." A school media specialist, however, blames the problem on malfunctioning anti-obscenity software and says it should be fixed by tomorrow.

Meanwhile, in Haverford Township, Pennsylvania, the librarian has resisted the display inside the local library of a symbol which she told the Delco Daily Times might -- "produce ill will, or even fear." The symbol in question was the American flag. The librarian was overruled.

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report