Suspended NFL Star Michael Vick Makes First Public Appearance Since Leaving Prison

Michael Vick met with probation officials Friday for the second time in the two days he's been home from prison, and prepared to begin a $10-an-hour construction job after the holiday weekend.

Wearing jeans, a light blue shirt and navy blue blazer, the former Atlanta Falcons star quarterback looked straight ahead as he entered the federal courthouse, escorted by his fiance and a member of his security team. He was joined inside by his lawyer, Lawrence Woodward.

Vick made no statements to reporters and didn't acknowledge a few onlookers who shouted encouragement. "Keep your head up, Mike," one yelled.

Click here for photos.
Click here for the plea agreement.
Click here for the indictment.

The meeting lasted nearly an hour. He later met with attorneys in Surry County, where the dogfighting operation was discovered, before returning to his home in Hampton.

Vick arrived home Thursday after a 1,200-mile car trip from Leavenworth, Kan., and within hours had his first meeting with probation officials, who fitted him with an electronic monitor. Vick must wear the device during his two-month home confinement, which will complete his 23-month sentence for operating a dogfighting ring.

Next week, he is expected to begin construction work for the W.M. Jordan Co.

Vick's long-term schedule includes:

• a June 9 hearing in his Chapter 11 bankruptcy case in Norfolk.

• his expected release from federal custody on July 20, when he would shed the monitor and start three years' probation.