Study: Vitamin C May Halt Growth of Cancerous Tumors

Vitamin C injected directly into the bloodstream halted the growth of cancerous tumors in mice and scientists hope it will do the same in humans, according to new research.

The study, led by Dr. Qi Chen from the National Institutes of Health, found that high-dose injections of vitamin C reduced tumor weight and growth rate by about 50 percent in mouse models of brain, ovarian and pancreatic cancers.

The results were published in the Aug. 5 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Interest in vitamin C as a potential cancer therapy peaked about 30 years ago when case series data showed a possible benefit. In 1979 and 1985, however, other researchers reported no benefit for cancer patients taking high oral doses of vitamin C in two double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials, researchers said in the study.

They concluded that, for best results, the vitamin should be injected.

Researchers found that high levels of vitamin C in the blood generate hydrogen peroxide, which is lethal to tumors.

Click here to read more on the study published in PNAS.