
Many American women may fantasize about foreign men, but the truth is, American men aren’t that bad – especially when compared to Australian men, according to a British study.

Dr. Almudena Sevilla-Sanz from Oxford University in London found that Australian men make the worst husbands and hate helping out around the house. U.S. and British men, on the other hand, don’t mind lending a hand when it comes to housework, the Australian Associated Press reported.

Sevilla-Sanz studied more than 13,000 men and women from 12 developed countries. American men were considered the best husbands, along with men from other “egalitarian” countries such as Norway, Sweden, England and Northern Ireland.

Australian men finished last.

"In egalitarian countries you might, in principle, expect to see women preferring to remain single rather than face the prospect of spending more time doing household chores," Sevilla-Sanz said. "However, this study shows that in egalitarian countries there is less social stigma attached to men doing what was traditionally women's work. For instance, if paternity leave is the social norm, more men take it.”

Sevilla-Sanz’s study, which is titled “Household Division of Labor and Cross-Country Differences in Household Formation Rates,” will be published in the Journal of Population Economics.

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