Stickup Turns Stink-Up

There are robberies gone wrong and then there are those that go so horribly wrong you end up feeling sorry for the criminal.

After holding up a man in a parking lot on Sunday, a robber was hit five times by two vehicles, first by what cops think was the stickup man's own getaway driver and four more times by another car apparently driven by a woman who knew the 33-year-old victim, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Amidst the repeated car-rammings, the sorry stickup artist even managed to pull out his gun and shoot himself in the leg.

Here's the breakdown, according to what local police told the Journal Sentinel:

After the 29-year-old suspect robbed the man in the parking lot at 2:45 a.m. Sunday, a pickup truck cops think was the getaway ride came flying up in reverse and slammed into both the suspect and the victim — and then bolted.

As the befuddled bandit tried to slink away, a woman in a Lexus rammed him, and then backed up and hit him again and again.

The robber tried to pull his gun out of his pocket after the third hit, but instead shot himself in the leg, and was promptly walloped by the Lexus for a fourth time.

Police showed up and arrested the pitiful pilferer, who was listed in critical condition at Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital on Monday, according to the Journal Sentinel.

— Thanks to Out There reader Brigid M.

When Bank Robbers Get 'Dumb & Dumber'

Two Australian men robbed their own bank where they do business everyday in Vail, Colo., and then photographed themselves with the stolen loot.

Vail police and the FBI released new details Tuesday about the bungling pair nicknamed "Dumb and Dumber" — who pleaded guilty to robbing the Weststar Bank of $90,000 in March, according to the Rocky Mountain News.

While holding up the bank brandishing BB pistols, Luke Carroll, 19, and Anthony Prince, 20, covered up their faces and pulled up their jacket hoods — but since it was their bank, tellers immediately identified them and gave cops their names, Vail police Detective Ryan Millburn told the Rocky Mountain News.

The bungling burglars made their getaway by jumping on a ski lift, then snowboarded to a store close by to buy a change of clothes. After changing, the pair called a car service to drive them to Denver.

Cops nabbed the duo at Denver International Airport trying to hop a flight to Mexico, and to their amusement discovered pictures they had taken in the airport bathroom of themselves in goofy poses along with their plunder.

Even veteran FBI agents couldn't help having a laugh at the ridiculous photos.

"I just thought it was funny, I guess, that they would actually do something like that," FBI Special Agent Craig Byrket told the Rocky Mountain News.

— Click in the photo box above to see the "Dumb and Dumber" robbers' goofy photos.

— Thanks to Out There readers Jonathan P. and Brett T.

Thief Leaves Trail of Smokes Behind

TERRA ALTA, W.Va. (AP) — Nellie Dixon didn't have to work very hard to recover the cigarettes that someone stole from the convenience store she manages.

Whatever the thief used to carry the smokes out of the Terra Alta Shop 'n Save apparently broke as they fled, scattering dozens of cigarette packs throughout the Preston County town.

"You would not believe the customers who are calling me saying 'We have your cigarettes!' Sometimes it's 20 packs at a time," Dixon said.

"How stupid are you? I mean, we have good bags right on the shelf."

Dixon said cigarette lighters, beef sticks and video games also were stolen, and the thief "had wine ready to go out the window," when they apparently were disturbed.

The break-in was reported to the Preston County Sheriff's Department on Monday morning.

— Thanks to Out There reader Beth M.

Potty Peeper Avoids Jail

NORTH CONWAY, N.H. (AP) — A Maine man arrested after he was found peering at a teenage girl at a rest-stop outhouse pleaded no contest to criminal trespass, and a judge urged him to seek help for whatever drove him to climb into the waste-filled toilet.

Gary J. Moody was given a 30-day sentence that will be suspended if he maintains good behavior for two years. In exchange for his plea, disorderly conduct charges against Moody will be dropped, as well, if he stays out of trouble.

Moody, 45, of Pittston, Maine, was arrested on June 26 after a 14-year-old girl reported hearing a noise and then seeing a face looking up at her from the pit toilet on U.S. Forest Service property in Albany.

District Court Judge Pamela Albee cited Moody's public humiliation from the ensuing publicity in choosing not to send him to jail.

"This gentleman has been subject to a great deal of media scrutiny and drawn to himself, should I say, notoriety. And a healthy share of bathroom humor, if you will. This is a person who deserves some compassion," she said.

She also fined Moody $1,000 and ordered him to pay $700 restitution. The Forest Service spent $700 pumping out the toilet tank because Moody claimed he was trying to retrieve a wedding ring that had dropped into the toilet.

The waste from the tank was pumped through a screen but no ring was found.

Hey, Joe, You're Robbing Me

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — A would-be pharmacy robber ran off when a pharmacist called him by name and asked whether the robbery was a joke, authorities said.

A man wearing a sweatshirt and sunglasses approached the counter of a Hinky Dinky pharmacy around 7:30 a.m. Monday. He told the pharmacists that he was going to rob them but did not show a weapon.

The pharmacist recognized the man's voice because he was a previous customer, said police officer Katherine Finnell.

The man spun around and ran out of the store, then boarded a city bus.

Mitchell Kruse, 44, was arrested and charged with attempted robbery, Finnell said Tuesday.

'Superman' in Hospital After Leap

GRAZ, Austria (AP) — A man who claimed he was Superman and could fly was hospitalized early Tuesday after leaping from a fourth-floor window, authorities said.

Paramedics rushed the 23-year-old man to a hospital in the city of Graz, about 120 miles south of Vienna, after he jumped from a window and suffered head and back injuries, police said.

They said the man — who apparently had drunk several bottles of red wine before attempting the jump — appeared at the window ledge at around 4 a.m. and shouted: "I am Superman! Nothing can happen to me!"

The jumper, whose name was not released, landed on part of a lower section and roof, sparing him from more serious injuries, authorities said.

Compiled by's Andrew Hard.

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