Guest list for the White House state dinner with President Bush and first lady Laura Bush:
Mexican President Vicente Fox and first lady Martha Sahagun de Fox
Foreign Affairs Secretary Jorge Castaneda
Interior Secretary Santiago Creel
Luis Felipe Bravo Mena, president, National Action Party
Amalia Garcia, president, National Democratic Revolution Party
Dulce Maria Sauri, president, Institutional Revolutionary Party
Beatriz Paredes, president, Chamber of Deputies
Fernandez-Cevallos, president, Chamber of Senators
Felipe Calderon, president, committee of political coordination, Chamber of Deputies
Ricardo Salinas, president, TV Azteca
Lorenzo Zambrano, director-general, CEMEX
Emilio Azcarraga, president, Televisa
Carlos Slim, president, Carso Group
Moises Saba, businessman, Mexican textiles
Enrique Krauze, political analyst
Sergio Aguayo, political analyst
Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham and Jane Abraham
Tobin Armstrong and Anne Armstrong
Attorney General John Ashcroft and Janet Ashcroft
Sen. Joseph R. Biden, D-Del., and Jill Biden
Rep. Henry Bonilla, R-Texas, and Deborah Knapp Bonilla
Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Columba Bush
Andrew Card, White House chief of staff, and the Rev. Kathleene Card
Vice President Dick Cheney and Lynne Cheney
Douglas N. Daft, chairman and chief executive, Coca-Cola Co., and Delphine Daft
Sen. Tom Daschle, D-S.D., and Linda Hall Daschle
Jeffrey Davidow, U.S. ambassador to Mexico, and Joan Davidow
Sen. Pete V. Domenici, R-N.M., and Nancy Domenici
Placido Domingo, artistic director, Washington and Los Angeles operas, and Marta Domingo
Clint Eastwood, actor, and Dina Ruiz Eastwood
Roger A. Enrico, vice chairman, PepsiCo, and Rosemary Enrico
Donald Burnham Ensenat, U.S. chief of protocol, and Taylor Ensenat
Emilio Estefan, Jr., producer and chairman, Estefan Enterprises, and his niece Lili Estefan
Commerce Secretary Donald Evans and Susan Evans
Tony Garza, commissioner, Texas Railroad Commission, and DeAnna Ortiz
House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt, D-Mo., and Jane Gephardt
Alberto R. Gonzales, counsel to the president, and Rebecca Gonzales
Sen. Phil Gramm, R-Texas, and Wendy Lee Gramm
Darrell Green, Washington Redskins cornerback, and Jewell Green
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and Andrea Mitchell, NBC News
Stephen Hadley, deputy national security adviser, and Ann Hadley
House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., and Jean Hastert
Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., and Dorothy Helms
George Herrera, president, United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and Linda Allen Herrera, director of communications, Department of Health and Human Services
Arizona Gov. Jane Dee Hull and Terrance Hull
Brit Hume, Fox News, and Kim Schiller Hume, Fox News
Ray L. Hunt, chairman, Hunt Consolidated Inc., and his son Hunter L. Hunt
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, and Ray Hutchison
Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill., and Judith Wolverton
Luis A. Jimenez, artist, and Susan Jimenez
Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss., and Tricia Lott
Roger Mahony, archbishop of Los Angeles, and Thomas A. Chabolla, secretariat director for pastoral and community services, Archdiocese of Los Angeles
John F. Maisto, National Security Council, and Maria Maisto
Abel Maldonado, California assemblyman, and Laura Maldonado
D.R. "Dee" Margo, chief executive, John D. Williams Co., and Adair Margo
Housing Secretary Mel Martinez and Kitty Martinez
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Cindy McCain
Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta and Deni Mineta
Anthony Munoz, former Cincinnati Bengals player, and Dianne Munoz
Eduardo Najera, Dallas Mavericks, and Jennifer Najera
Sylvia Orozco, executive director, Mexic-Arte Museum, and her mother Aurora Orozco
Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Anita Perry
Secretary of State Colin Powell and Alma Powell
Chief Justice William Rehnquist and his daughter Janet Rehnquist
Condoleezza Rice, national security adviser, and the Rev. Matt Hennessee
Ricardo Romo, president, University of Texas at San Antonio, and Harriett Romo
Pedro Sevcec, anchor, Telemundo, and Raquelin Gonzalez
Gen. Henry H. Shelton, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Carolyn Shelton
Former Sen. Alan Simpson, R-Wyo., and Ann Simpson
Warren W. Tichenor and Rhonda S. Tichenor
Sara Martinez Tucker, president, Hispanic Scholarship Fund, and Greg A. Tucker
Dawn Upshaw, soprano, and Michael Nott
Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman and Kevin Herglotz
U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick