Son of Singapore's Founding Father to Become PM

Lee Hsien Loong (search), the son of Singapore's founding father, will take over as prime minister of the city-state on Aug. 12, his office announced Saturday.

Lee, 52, replaces Goh Chok Tong (search) -- who had announced the succession plan last year. He acknowledged then that handing power to the son of founding father Lee Kuan Yew had the appearance of dynastic succession but insisted it was no such thing.

The brief statement from Lee's office said Goh would formally advise President S.R. Nathan to appoint Lee, who "has the unanimous support" from the People's Action Party, which controls 82 of the 84 seats in Parliament.

Lee, educated at Cambridge and Harvard, is a former army brigadier general. He is currently finance minister, central bank chairman and deputy prime minister.

It was not immediately clear whether he would retain those posts.

Political analysts said Goh represents a more liberal wing of the People's Action Party (search), while Lee is seen as a throwback to the conservative days of his father.

"I know that some Singaporeans are uncomfortable with (Lee Hsien) Loong's leadership style. Loong's public persona is that of a no-nonsense, uncompromising and tough minister," Goh said in announcing his successor in August last year.

"Singaporeans would like Loong to be more approachable. They've got used to my gentler style," he said of his 14 years as prime minister.

Since that statement, the city-state's future leader has had a more prominent public role, appearing frequently in local newspapers and state-owned TV in an apparent move to show a softer side to the 4 million inhabitants of the tightly controlled country.