Sometimes We Need to Begin With Dessert

Here's the one thing: Sometimes we need to begin with dessert.

On Thursday, the head of the National Black Chamber of Commerce reamed out Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer of California:

Click here to watch the entire exchange


SEN. BARBARA BOXER, D-CALIF: Let me talk to you.


BOXER: This is friendly. I want us to go back there together. I want you to come with me and John and let's go see these jobs you say don't exist. So what we're going to do...

ALFORD: Yes, ma'am.

BOXER: Good. Put in the record the Pew Charitable Trust report, which says, and I am reading one sentence: "Jobs in the clean energy economy grew at a faster rate than total jobs in the Golden State between '98 and 2007." And it talks about all of that and driven by venture capital and the laws on the books. So we're going to put that in the record.

Then we're going to put the NAACP resolution that passed, saying this: "The NAACP approved the historic resolution addressing climate change legislation for the first time in the organization's history."

ALFORD: What does that mean?

BOXER: Sir, we're going to put that in the record and you can read it because I don't have the time...

ALFORD: What does that mean, though? The NAACP has a resolution, what does that mean?

BOXER: Sir, they could say the same thing about what do you mean. I'm just telling you they passed it.

ALFORD: I've got documentation.

BOXER: They passed it. Now, also, if that isn't interesting to you we'll quote John Grant, who is the CEO of 100 Black Men of Atlanta. Quote: "Clean energy is the key that will unlock millions of jobs and the NAACP's support is vital to ensuring that those jobs help to rebuild urban areas."

So, clearly there's a diversity of opinion...

ALFORD: Madam Chair, that is condescending to me. I'm the National Black Chamber of Commerce and you're trying to put up some other black group to pit against me.

BOXER: If this gentleman... If this gentleman were here, he would be proud that he was being quoted.

ALFORD: He should have been invited!

BOXER: Just so you know, he would be proud that you were here.

ALFORD: It is condescending to me.

BOXER: He's proud, I'm sure, that I am quoting him.

ALFORD: Proud? All that's condescending and I don't like it. It's racial. I don't like it. I take offense to it.


ALFORD: As an African-American and a veteran of this country, I take offense to that!

BOXER: Offense at the fact that I would quote...?

ALFORD: You're quoting some other black man. Why don't you quote some other Asian... or ... you are being racial here. And I think you're getting to a path here that's going to explode.

BOXER: I am going to respond right and I'm going to ask everyone to listen to what I said. First, I placed in the record the Pew Charitable Trust study — very important study for our state, our home state of California.


BOXER: Then, I wanted to make a point that the fact is there's definitely differing opinions in the black community, just as there are in my community.

ALFORD: You're speaking on behalf of the black community?

BOXER: No. I am putting in the record a statement by the NAACP.


BOXER: Because I think it is quite relevant.

ALFORD: I understand the Pew... I understand the Pew study. But why are you doing the NAACP... why are you doing the Colored People Association study with the Black Chamber of Commerce?

BOXER: I am trying to show the diversity of support that we have.

ALFORD: Diversity?



ALFORD: We are referring to the experts regardless of their color. And for someone to tell me, an African-American, college-educated veteran of the United States Army that I must contend with some other black group and put aside everything else in here — this has nothing to do with the NAACP and really has nothing to do with the National Black Chamber of Commerce. We're talking energy and that... road the Chair went down, I think, is God-awful.


I found that very rude.

And hey, wasn't Boxer the same senator that freaked out when Brigadier General Michael Walsh called her "ma'am"?

Yep! Take a look:


BOXER: Why has it been delayed?

BRIG. GEN. MICHAEL WALSH, U.S. ARMY: Ma'am, at the LACPR is...

BOXER: You know, do me a favor: Could you say senator instead of ma'am?


BOXER: It's just a thing. I've worked so hard to get that title. So, I'd appreciate it. Thank you.

WALSH: Yes, Senator.


Yeah, don't call her "ma'am," even though that's a word of respect the military requires. But as we pointed out last month, you didn't hear Boxer calling Michael Walsh "brigadier general."

Oh, and I almost forgot: Did you notice that Harry Alford of the National Black Chamber of Commerce called her "ma'am" too? Oh, he sure did! Take a look:


BOXER: Your address is Washington, D.C.?

ALFORD: Yes, ma'am

ALFORD: Yes, ma'am

ALFORD: Yes, ma'am


As you could see, she didn't correct him once. So it wasn't about being called "ma'am" last month; it was being called "ma'am" by a soldier.

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