Slim-Fast Cans Whoopi Over Bush Remarks

The Slim-Fast diet drink company has dumped Whoopi Goldberg (search) from its advertising because its executives were unhappy with remarks the comedian made at a recent political rally that mocked President Bush (search).

"We are disappointed by the manner in which Ms. Goldberg chose to express herself and sincerely regret that her recent remarks offended some of our consumers. Ads featuring Ms. Goldberg will no longer be on the air," Slim-Fast (search) general manager Terry Olson said in a press release Wednesday.

Goldberg participated at a recent Democratic fund-raiser at Radio City Music Hall in New York, joining performers such as John Mellencamp, Jon Bon Jovi, Paul Newman, Meryl Streep, Jessica Lange and John Leguizamo.

At one point in a speech mocking the Bush administration, Goldberg used his surname as a sexual reference.

The event raised $7.5 million for the John Kerry-John Edwards presidential ticket. Both Kerry and Edwards attended, but neither commented about the jokes made by the celebrities toward Bush.

Goldberg's representatives did not immediately return a call for comment Wednesday.

Slim-Fast Foods is based in West Palm Beach, Fla.