Sienna Miller: Year Has Been 'Tumultuous'

Sienna Miller wants to move past what she calls a "tumultuous year."

Miller's engagement to Jude Law appeared to fall apart after the actor publicly apologized in July for having an affair with his children's nanny. Reports in recent weeks have suggested the couple may be back together.

"Yes, I wish (the tabloid coverage) wasn't in my life to the degree that it is or has been, but I accept that it has been a pretty tumultuous year and hopefully it will die down," the 23-year-old actress told reporters recently, according to AP Radio.

Miller is promoting her new movie, "Casanova," which opens in some theaters Christmas Day. The change of topic is a welcome one for the actress.

"I'm so relieved to be able to talk about a film ... as opposed to my private life," she said.

Miller and Law, 32, who appeared together in 2004's "Alfie," became engaged last December. Law divorced fashion designer-actress Sadie Frost in October 2003 after a six-year marriage and three children.