
Fox News has a lot of enemies, some of whom won't hesitate to flat out lie in order to criticize what we do.

One of those lies circulating on the Internet is about an Observer I wrote about the New York Times. The day after the pope died, the Times ran a bio of the pope by Ian Fisher (fee required to view story).

The piece made a dig at the pope by mentioning his physical decline, saying: "Some critics said it was a symbol of a papacy in need of rejuvenation." When reading the Observer on TV, I put up the quote; with the author's name highlighted right underneath. But the anti-Fox web site implies that I made up the quote. Well, you can check it out for yourself. Ian Fisher wrote the 2,200-word bio, which appeared on April 3. It's really not hard to find. You just plug in a key phrase with the author's name in any search engine, and up it comes. The anti-Fox website could easily have done the same. If they did, they're liars. If they didn't, they're just plain lazy. Either way, I wasn't about to let this sleeping dog lie.

This same group posted another hack-job attack on an Observer last week. The Observer focused on a dubious award given to a Democrat congressman for political pork. The anti-Fox website asked: “… let's see if Asman will gleefully report this award the next time it goes to a GOP.”

I wrote to the site, explaining that I had, in fact, written about Republicans getting that same “Porker of the Month” award. I included an Observer from October. Here’s that October Observer:

“When confronted by a huge increase in federal spending under his watch, President Bush (search) and his supporters quickly roll out the war on terrorism as an excuse. But national security can also be a great cover for local pork — that is, using federal tax dollars to fund local projects that have nothing to do with the national defense. In fact, about half of the $33 billion Homeland Security bill signed into law last week has little if anything to do with protecting us from terrorists. For example, the two senators from Montana inserted a $3 billion payout to local farmers in the Homeland Security bill. Democrat Max Baucus (search) and Republican Conrad Burns (search) claim that their drought relief package helps us preserve our resources in case of attack. But the spending watchdog group called Citizens Against Government Waste (search) sees this as just another example of pork masquerading as national security. Says the group: ‘Drought relief has nothing to do with homeland security and should not get wrapped up in the essential task of defending the homeland from terrorists. For elevating home state politics above homeland security and ignoring the deficit, Senators Baucus and Burns are Porkers of the Month for October 2004.’
And that’s the Observer.”

In light of this Observer, I asked the Web site if they’d like to correct their record. Of course, they did NOT correct the record. These anti-Fox sites are not interested in the truth; they’re interested in bending the truth to suit their attacks.

As for the Observer, we will continue to point out transgressions by public servants and public figures, whether they’re Republicans, Democrats, liberals, conservatives or just plain hound dogs.

And that’s the Asman Observer.

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